Best Athlete of the Decade - Tiger Woods
I think the world got this one right. He won a whopping 56 PGA events within the past ten years, including 12 majors, which his about as many triumphs as alleged mistresses (too soon?). Tiger made people care about the sport he was playing. He made people discuss if he even had a rival, which to this day is still non-existent. Still not convinced? As we saw when he was resting his knee/what we are going to see when he takes his "family break", golf ratings plummet to mantle of the Earth. The ratings for the Chevron World Challenge earlier in the month dropped over 50 percent from the previous year, and it's only going to get worse. This shows that Tiger not only dominates on the links, he is virtually the only marketing presence on the PGA, and the other golfers are very aware of that (see John Daly's comments a couple of days ago). No offense to the Olympians and their world-class talent, but many of those events are a 2 week phenomenon every 4 years. Roger Federer's dominance wasn't really appreciated until Rafael Nadal recently grabbed him by the tail. Lance is just affected by participating in a sport that puts the WWE to shame in terms of PED use, which should actually boost his credentials, but at the same time we only care about cycling (bikes that is, not the 'roids) for a month if that. Tiger's influence not only has encouraged minorities, but also those who didn't consider themselves in the country club crowd to pick up a putter. When I saw my uncle with a set of clubs, I wondered who needed medication, him or me? And all that took for him was a Wii video game with a certain popular golfer on the cover, and I bet you can't guess who. Think of it his way. The recent scandal wouldn't be as big as it was if he wasn't dominating the fairways in the first place. He has left that much of an impact with his ice-water veined demeanor on the course that naturally it would be a gigantic story when he goes astray from that image. His international crowning as the Athlete of the Decade is probably a blip on his tabloid mess of a life right now, but it doesn't hurt to get some good news around holiday time.
Apologies to Lance Armstrong, Tom Brady, Roger Federer, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt
Best Gizmo of the Decade- iPod
This decade entry wouldn't be complete without this category. The factor that gives the iPod the edge over the phones is that the iPod has become the indicator of the shifting the the music industry as a whole. Remember when we used to buy albums? The iPod is not only phasing out the ownership and the irritating maintenance that comes with a CD, it has catered to society's technological conformity along with allowing the consumer to display his/her melodic individuality. It was also Steve Jobs sensing shift in the industry, knowing his customers were tired that road trip to the record store to buy a whole album that had just as much of a chance of being a mistake purchase as a successful one. Apple allowed the consumer to buy the select songs from the select artists (and even movies) they desired by just a few clicks online. I mean, who would want the WHOLE Soulja Boy album in their music collection? The iPhone and the BlackBerry definitely follow in the terms of technological conformity, but they didn't create as big of a shockwave in the communications industry the way the iPod did for music. All I have to say is, "Viva la iRevolution!"
Apologies to iPhone, BlackBerry, Wii, GPS, TiVo
Biggest Cultural Phenomenon of the Decade - Social Networking/Media
In this competition, American Idol would not be going to Hollywood. Crocs and Uggs can take a hike. When your aunt has a Facebook account, you know it's not just unavoidable, but revolutionary. Facebook, MySpace and even Twitter are making a huge cultural footprint not just for this decade, but play a vital role on our future life. A Facebook page is as fundamental to some now as maintaining an vital body part, like a liver. Sadly, it seems as if people maintain their profiles better than their organs. Anyhoo, to go along with the major players, many niche networks have jumped onto the scene to connect every realm from ethnic communities (, to business communities ( And then comes Twitter, the mega-virtual bulletin board puts us ever closer not only to the lives of our peers, but in the day-to-day doings of our most beloved celebrities and athletes. That's just a glimpse of how social networks and media have become a huge part of everyday life. Believe me, even blogging was the last thing on my mind a year ago, but it's as viral as the development of media the past few years. It has changed the game not only of how people communicate with each other, but how general media is directed to the public and even how companies advertise. The social media platform has also renewed our focus of privacy and what info we want public, affecting everything from your potential dating scene to chances of employment. There is also the danger of whether these networks are ruining the process of human interaction by making of our social lives more virtual. As we plow into the next decade, expect this intriguing craze to develop in more than 140 characters.
Apologies to cosmetic surgery, American Idol, Atkins Diet, being green, iPhones/BlackBerries
Most Overhyped Thing of the Decade - The Harry Potter Craze
Just another thing that everyone in the world likes but me. Probably a lot of you, if not all of you reading, are huge fanatics of this series. I'm just not. Sorry. Never got it, and never will. I was tempted to include the recent Twilight phenomenon, but I believe we are too early into it to make a solid decision about its overall legacy. The whole boy wizard thing is too outrageous for me, and this is from the same kid who as a youngster worshiped reptiles who could talk and do martial arts with the help of some radioactive ooze. Maybe it's my penchant for reality over fantasy. The craze was so massive, there was even had a class on Harry Potter at my college, which happens to be a business school. The books, which seemed like an epic children series, were dubbed in the Gatsby category way too prematurely. The frustrating part was all the Potter fanatics convincing me into the trend, while at the same time, telling me that the book was more understandable than those confusing movies. Might just be me, but an orphan wizard whose parents got killed by a guy with a half-nose that goes to a boarding school full of other wizard prodigies makes as much sense to me in print as it does on the screen. So there you have it, wizardry is just not my cup of chamomile. Well, I guess it's all over now but the hate mail.....or hate spells.
Apologies to Twilight, segways, Matt Leinart, Notre Dame football, swine flu, John & Kate, Jonas Brothers
Best Album of the Decade - The College Dropout by Kanye West
Pretty tough nowadays to have a good album, especially in an age when you can just download selected songs and especially when artists can be completely obsolete with a faster media and a culture with a shorter attention span. Even though he may be the Dunce of the Decade for what he did at the VMAs, you have to give props to Kanye for his incredible debut release. It was amazing watching how a relative unknown became another humongous factor in the shifting influence of hip-hop. In high school, I saw many of my senior peers, who weren't particularly rap fans, have Kanye in their CD player or in their car. The presence of Kanye only strengthened for me when dorm life came along, with the music from this very album being the staple of the frat parties and pre-gaming sessions. "This album's just different," many of them would say, and it sure was. From the tale of struggle with "Through The Wire" to the sharp cadence of "Jesus Walks", Kanye's intellectual verses were much different from his peers, who primarily rhymed about bling, Bentleys, and booty girls. Instead, Kanye decided to focus on themes of spirituality, materialism and family while blending gravitas with a sense of humor within the tracks of the album. In that way, West came out less like the modern rapper and more like a commoner who keenly noticed the complex world around him. The album was also big in an industry standpoint, proving that a hip-hop producer (who was actually working on Jay-Z's 'The Blueprint') could actually take the mic and become a legitimate superstar. The College Dropout is another testament to a huge decade in hip-hop's commercial appeal as its reach was as powerful in the skate parks as it was in the urban front, and thus making a stronger argument for hip-hop as the genre of the double o's. Kanye, you may NOW take the stage! Have to say you actually deserve this one.
Apologies to The Blueprint by Jay-Z, Stankonia by Outkast, Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay, Kid A by Radiohead
Best Artist of the Decade - Eminem
Love him or hate him, the infamous white rapper from Detroit captivated as many people with his skill on the mic as much as he infuriated people with his defiant attitude and controversial lyrics. As a white man in a predominantly African-American genre, he stood out from the get go. You could feel from his music that motivation, that chip on his shoulder that helped him constantly improve his craft and to get noticed by rap icon Dr. Dre, propelling his rise to artistic infamy. Many say that his polarizing nature hurt his overall influence, but think about it. Sometimes, that polarizing nature adds to the grandiosity, especially to those who achieve high levels of success. I mean, Muhammad Ali wasn't exactly loved during his heyday. He didn't exactly march to the beat of the status quo in the time when was beating his opponents mercilessly in the ring. But at the end of it all, it was Eminem who sold more albums than any artist in the past ten years. More than Coldplay, Jay-Z and even Britney. He did this by meshing pop sensibility with tales of rawness and angst, and the masses just ate it up. Even my predominantly white suburban Central Mass town couldn't avoid his appeal as his music was an automatic fixture on Friday night dances and the self-karaoke sessions of my peers. I remember being a 15 year old listening to the Marshall Mathers LP and being how equally awed I was of the skill and the shock value that the album exuded. It was in that album I knew he was gonna be in the minds of millions for a long time because he showed he wasn't afraid to use his lyrical skill as a dagger, even if it rubbed people or other artists the wrong way. His infamy helped not only sell records, but added another flavor to hip-hop that helped make hip-hop even more digestible for suburban America. To top that off, he has won both an Oscar and a Grammy, an accomplishment similar to the likes of Sinatra and Streisand. Adored or despised, Eminen in this decade has established pop-culture cred that could give him the liberty to release an album when he reaches the Aerosmith age bracket. And don't say he can't do it, that will just give him more material.
Apologies to Jay-Z, Outkast, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Coldplay
Best Movie of the Decade - Slumdog Millionaire
Well, I guess I can eliminate the Rob Schneider collection, don't ya think? Picking movies for me (probably like for everyone else) is tough, considering I normally not in love with the movies that everyone else flocks to. I'm a pop culture cynic, especially when it comes to movies, for whenever something is praised ad nauseaum, I will do nothing short of an MRI on the movie to find a flaw. I mean, we ALL knew that the ship would sink in Titanic! WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE IT......ERRRRR! Anyhoo, getting back to Earth, the basic guide I followed here was.....
A) It is a fresh, captivating story, avoiding the repetitive nature that Hollywood has promoted recently. So good, that it actually lives up to the billing the hype machine has created.
B) The film just has grabability (needs to be on Urban Dictionary). Once it's on, you have to be along for the ride and watch the whole flick because the story is so compelling.
C) It is digestible for all audiences. It doesn't take an expert film critic/cinematographer to fully grasp the film's overall meaning.
This eliminates movies that are strictly defined by their genre, specifically comedy (my personal favorite) and horror films. Movies like Old School, Saw, Superbad, The Hangover and The Ring sure hit their marks, but the problem with these flicks is that they are catered to specific audiences, and thus lose out on their universal appeal. With all of that being said, Slumdog was the movie that just did it for me, as well as for millions of others. I can honestly say that I am thinking outside the hype, which the dreaded Twilight franchise has taken over. It was soulful, it was gritty, and it had an ending which was good, but made you think at the same time. I mean, why would Salim treat his brother like crap as youngsters, only to basically die for him at that particular moment? Director Danny Boyle and crew did all this with fresh faces (Hallelujah for Freida Pinto!) and to tie destiny with a forgotten icon of a game show that was a relic of the previous decade. I have to admit, the fact that a franchise-wrecking sequel release is next to impossible for this film gives this flick added bonus points in my book. A soulful, yet thoughtful movie like this needed to be released, not just an inspiration in these weak economic times of recent days, but also after those horrific terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the city in which the movie is based. So that's why Slumdog does it for the decade, and yes is officially written!
Apologies to Dark Knight, Almost Famous, No Country for Old Men, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Crash, every comedy flick I like
News Story of the Decade - 9/11 Attack on America
Here is the the tough part of this entry for me, the part where I have to remind ourselves of the strife and the hard times that all of us have had to experience in some way, shape or form this decade. There is not even a close second, even in a decade with Katrina, a war on two fronts and our first black president. It's the "You Know Where You Were" moment of my generation. It is that moment that the nation, and even the world felt that chill on Ground Zero on that warm Tuesday, not only the chill of terror, but that eerie premonition that things were going to be different. I mean, this sort of thing didn't happen to America, ever. Other than the government who allegedly covered up some slightly important info, who saw this coming? Who saw over 3,000 unsuspecting people losing their lives while the rest of us watched one of our most majestic symbols destroyed in our view? 9/11 and the events afterward basically determined the whole legacy of a president and the future path of our history, which has yet to be determined. From tighter security to the polarizing views toward our country held by many across the globe, we're still feeling the repercussions from that September day over 8 years ago. Never forget this day, ladies and gents.
Apologies to Hurricane Katrina, Barack Obama, The Great Recession, Iraq and Afghanistan, Bernie Madoff
Had to, just had to. You can probably tell which story I have a personal tie towards, but I don't know I could keep my fan card if I didn't acknowledge the impact that the 2004 team had on me and millions of other Sox fans, and even the Sox themselves. I mean, I get chills just remotely thinking about that season. The coming of age of Red Sox baseball coincided with a coming of age period in my life, with the thrilling and triumphant conclusion coming during my primary days in college society, which had a solid mix of Yankees and Sox fans. I swear, that October killed my GPA and my sleep patterns for life, but you don't have to ask me if it was worth it or not! Coming back from 0-3 to win 8 straight ballgames against 2 teams who won over 100 games in the regular season was the only way to have it. This is the ultimate "grandkids-on-the-lap" story. It has the beginning (Pedro, Grady, don't need to say more.), a Goliath like struggle, and the characters to boot, with the scruffy hairstyles and all. It was like a rough and tumble bourbon-drinking deer hunting society decided to don on baseball uniforms and take on a nine decade hex. The aftermath has been somewhat of a mixed legacy. Combined with another triumph in the Fall Classic in '07, our national prominence has become stronger, being dubbed as the team of America due to the legions of fans who attended other venues to see their beloved team. However as a result of the growing popularity of Red Sox Nation, the Sox have fallen into somewhat of a fad. The bleachers of Fenway have become a a trendy backdrop for those who would rather check the results of American Idol on their BlackBerries, further tempting me have a massive Fever Pitch bonfire. Oh well, have to take the good with the pink hats! But I'd be robbing you if I didn't tell you what story really dominated the athletic landscape in the zeros, or double o's, ... or....whatever......
They seem to be as reviled in this country as Osama. It impacted just about every sport by its very presence. Their presence was evident in baseball, track, football, cycling and they were even discussed on the links of the PGA. It was that stain that you kept rubbing, but wouldn't go away, even becoming stronger after each wash cycle. It's that nasty zit that just won't pop. Steroids was bar none, the headline grabber this decade in the world of athletics. The taint wasn't just in the urine of the guilty, but in the faith of the common fanatic. Sadly, now every success story in sports has to have the accompanying afterthought of suspicion. Baseball was the most high-profile victim of the performance enhancing plague, claiming modern-day superstars and future Hall of Famers as hostages. PEDs have not only been the fuel for the many professional athletes that used them to get ahead, but also the fuel for a rapid info society where speculation and cynicism has become the new American pastime. Unfortunately, steroids has become the knee-jerk explanation to explain the amazing, while the asterisk has become the modern day scarlet letter for the convicted and even the accused. Even the legendary performances of Usain Bolt, Lance Armstrong and Michael Phelps will remain under the burning light of speculation thanks to the few who took the chemical way out. In a decade in which we had many examples of heroes free falling from grace and mythical greatness, the PED was the ultimate dreambuster. I wish I could say that it's a shock, but in an athletic culture that promotes bigger, faster, and stronger added with the million dollars that are in play, it's not out there that a juice culture would exist. Especially in the case of baseball, where the brass overlooked integrity and safety of its labor force for profit. Ultimately, PEDs revealed an uglier aspect of our culture, that of greed.
Apologies to Tiger scandal, Malice in the Palace, Lance's Tour de Force, Michael Phelps' golden Olympics
Person of the Decade - Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google
Make that, people of the decade. These information revolutionaries have slowly influenced more aspects of our day-to-day lives. Want to check what 7'2'' is in centimeters? Google it. Walking time from Philly to Pittsburgh? Google it? Want to know the layout of the neighborhood in Paris you're staying at? I think you know where to go. Hell, even this blog is technically a Google entity. If it's information, Google has it covered for sure. If you think Google is just a search engine, you definitely have not been paying attention to how Google has played a diverse role in our lives this decade. All I'm saying is that if your company name becomes a verb applied to all of your information needs, you're definitely doing something significant in this world. Every day, their billion-dollar web enterprise is gaining on an influential, yet one of the more important monopolies out there this side of energy production, that of information. Plus, their purchase of YouTube has no doubt strengthened their positioning as kings of the New Media. To top it off, Google has been deemed one of the best places to work in the country. I just might have an idea of the next application I'm filing! So what will these computer science whizzes from Stanford do next to expand their Google regime? Looking at this burnt popcorn, Google Kitchen would be clutch in the near future. Just saying!
Apologies to Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerburg, Osama bin Laden
Before I Peace: Complete Six-cess

While we're still writing about the best, a big congrats to mighty Barça, who have won 6 out of a possible 6 trophies in 2009, capped off with their 1-2 victory in the FIFA Club World Cup final over the Argentinian side Estudiantes in probably the most thrilling of all their cup finals in the past year. Their World Cup trophy will now sit beside their hardware for La Liga, the Copa del Rey tourney, the Champions League, the European Super Cup, and the Spanish Super Cup. With their sixth cup clincher in Abu Dhabi, the 2009 Barça squad have no doubt placed themselves among the greatest club teams in the history of world soccer, putting manager Pep Guardiola on the map as an international legend as well as in a sea of tears, of jubilation of course. And with team superstar Lionel Messi projected to win FIFA Player of the Year, this year's version of Barça's is going to become one of those clubs that won't be forgotten in a very long time. Oh, and don't count them out for another strong campaign in 2010 as they have remained undefeated in league play, while staying alive through the group of death to have the right to defend their Champions League title into the new year. VISCA EL BARÇA! MÉS QUE UN CLUB!
Mochaman's Fantasy Football Report
Mochaman's Fantasy Football Report
- Boston Beersquad - 10-3 (1st, Plax's Got a Gun, 1st in Division 2, 1574.30 Pts.)
Time to dust the cobwebs off from the bye-week and go full force. Hoping the Fitzgerald situation is kosher, considering Arizona is going against Detroit, which should make for a huge fantasy week. Maybe Ochocinco will follow his tweet and have a big game for his fallen teammate? Hope all the answers lead towards me going to the finals. Get excited!
- Killa' Beavaz - 9-5 (2nd, Yahoo Public 179914, 1409.78 Pts.)
Won a crucial matchup to get into the championship bracket. This team is also suffereing from a case of Fitzgerald-itis, which could derail my chances in getting to the dance. Also taking a gamble and hoping that the Pats D can step up against the Bills, which still may be a tall task. Other than Chris Johnson, there have been no true constant to this team. Other than all of that, I'm pretty optimistic!
R.I.P. To A Fallen BengalTime to dust the cobwebs off from the bye-week and go full force. Hoping the Fitzgerald situation is kosher, considering Arizona is going against Detroit, which should make for a huge fantasy week. Maybe Ochocinco will follow his tweet and have a big game for his fallen teammate? Hope all the answers lead towards me going to the finals. Get excited!
- Killa' Beavaz - 9-5 (2nd, Yahoo Public 179914, 1409.78 Pts.)
Won a crucial matchup to get into the championship bracket. This team is also suffereing from a case of Fitzgerald-itis, which could derail my chances in getting to the dance. Also taking a gamble and hoping that the Pats D can step up against the Bills, which still may be a tall task. Other than Chris Johnson, there have been no true constant to this team. Other than all of that, I'm pretty optimistic!
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