Just got back from jumpstarting my Thanksgiving, literally, by re-juicing my car battery in the early morn in Allston at around 2 AM. Not exactly in a thankful mood now, but at least I'm not a turkey today. After all, this is one of those holidays that is competing for my top holiday love because it's the most purely American holiday. You eat an obscene amount of food, lie semi-comatose on the couch while watching football, and later take a huge nap. What's more American than that? In fact, it's probably the thought of cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes that's keeping me up to write this entry. Well, that and the catchy rhymes of that Thanksgiving song by Adam Sandler. Plus you don't have to kill yourself at the local mall just to buy wrapping paper for a T-shirt. This year, I plan to spend my time at my uncle and aunt's house, who are doing the Thanksgiving festivities at their house for the 1st time. Along with my buddy Anton, I will be accompanied by my fellow foreign friends, John and Kate (trust me, complete coincidence) to enjoy this red, white and blue experience. So Happy Thanksgiving to all from Cloud 10, especially to that turkey that is going to be pardoned by Obama. Hopefully the only other pitfall of the day is the lack of a quality football game. Peace!
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