Ladies and gents, I'm bouncing off every wall in my house! Today, the Sox have acquired the catalyst they so desperately needed in their lineup. The spunky-30 year old veteran Victor Martinez will soon don a Red Sox uniform and help shake up an offense who haven't necessarily been Murderer's Row these past couple of months. The catcher/first baseman also adds some O.C.-type energy to a team that has been as entertaining as a Grand Canyon vacation slideshow. I'm not gonna go far as to say that the season is saved, or that there will be a duck boat parade this autumn, but at least we have another solid bat to give us a fighting chance in this dog-eat-dog AL East race. As much as Doc Halladay stimulated my salivary glands, in the end I believe the Sox made the right move not just for this year, but puts them in a interesting position for 2010 as well. This deal now makes the club option for Varitek more of a focal point in the Sox's offseason plans. Meanwhile, the Sox retained prized pieces like Buchholz and Bowden, which could be used in a deal to be made later come the winter months (AAAADDRRRIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAN!). After 2010, we will have the option to move on to Mauer, and with possibly two prospects in hand. I said before that the team that we had been fielding lately was not fit for a playoff run. With Victor Martinez, the Sox may have the battery (kinda' fitting) that can jolt this team into the month of October.

I bet that many of you are disappointed that we were not able to land the explosive Padre slugger Adrian Gonazalez this afternoon. But by looking at the potential deal, it made less sense than any of the rumoured moves projected (Oh, forgot about Laroche for Kotchman. Still befuddled). Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely loooooooooooooooove it if Gonzalez was entrenched in the middle of our lineup. In fact, I believe that the Sox should consider making a big push for him in the offseason, considering that we are in obvious need of a fear-provoking slugger. But as you probably already know with the Martinez deal, we have a bit of a logjam. Not only is Adrian Gonzalez is a strong hitter who hits to all fields, but he is a Gold Glove first baseman. Considering we have his 2008 AL counterpart in Youkilis, and that Gonzalez doesn't play anything else, it leaves Tito with a real dilemma. Added with that, the deal would have required Jed Lowrie, which ruins our overall infield depth. A Beckett-Lester-Halladay staff would have filled me with so much adrenaline that a strait jacket would have been the best selection for my future wardrobe. As much as we neeeeeeed that 3rd starter, I couldn't see Jays GM J.P. Ricciardi trading his ace within the division that easily. As much as I think organizations overrate prospects, giving virtually our whole entire farm system might have been a devastating maneuver for the long term (Plus, I'm not giving up on my 100 MPH-man, Danny B.!!). With Martinez, we get catcher, first base and DH versatility, which can potentially aid the health of three key players. It's obvious that Lowell will need at least a game off a week, which allows V-Mart to man first base. While I recognize that he's been heating up lately, Papi is a shell of what he once was, and the switch-hitting Martinez is a legitimate pick to spell Ortiz for a few games, especially against left-handers. It's also been reported lately that Jason Varitek has been as beat up Joe Frazier, while having less pop than the boxer at the plate. Enter, Vic Martinez, who can add some more veteran leadership while boosting production at the backstop position. Many have been saying that the Martinez deal will cram the clubhouse, creating a negative environment. But I think it will be the exact opposite. The bottom line is that everyone knows Martinez is there to help the Sox do one thing. With the championship-minded culture that has festered within the Sox organization the past seven years, I think that the players could put their egos aside and do what is best for the team; to raise another red banner outside Fenway. As awkward as it's gonna look, that V-Mart/J-Bay special handshake is going to be purely delightful!
To conclude this "Vic and Vick" entry, I decided to dedicate this section to Vick and his recently lifted suspension. Vick has kinda' been on my mind today, considering that there have been alleged Vick sightings in the New England area, and that Belichick is one of the few coaches in the league that haven't ruled out bringing in the former Falcon QB. In a way, the October reinstatement is a veiled suspension, but Vick has been allowed by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to pursue another employer. For all you people that feel like Vick should have no right to resume his career or should be suspended for more time, I'm afraid you're gonna have to let bygones be bygones. Vick already has an obstacle to climb in proving his remorse to the public, as evidenced by his title as the "Most Disliked Athlete In Sports" according to Forbes Magazine. It is rare that I agree with T.O. about anything, but he had a point when he said that an additional suspension would have been ridiculous. I don't think that a case of double or triple jeopardy will accomplish anything more that the justice system has in this situation. I acknowledge that he lied to the commissioner and to the public about his involvement with the dog-fighting world. But hasn't he ultimately served his punishment for everything? Other than dying for his crime, Vick has been punished effectively with the jail time, his time away from the pigskin, lost loads of respect and millions of dollars. As much as I was appalled by Vick's association with dog combat, there are players in the league that have done horrific things to human beings that don't bear the stigma Vick has to endure. Even though PETA stands for a respectable cause, my respect for the organization goes down when they assume that Vick isn't capable of remorse and even should be subjected to a brain scan (Hey, aren't we technically animals too?)! Let Michael Vick get his second chance before we condemn him for eternity (or at least to a brain examination).
Before I Peace: Second Chance For An Extra Point
To conclude this "Vic and Vick" entry, I decided to dedicate this section to Vick and his recently lifted suspension. Vick has kinda' been on my mind today, considering that there have been alleged Vick sightings in the New England area, and that Belichick is one of the few coaches in the league that haven't ruled out bringing in the former Falcon QB. In a way, the October reinstatement is a veiled suspension, but Vick has been allowed by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to pursue another employer. For all you people that feel like Vick should have no right to resume his career or should be suspended for more time, I'm afraid you're gonna have to let bygones be bygones. Vick already has an obstacle to climb in proving his remorse to the public, as evidenced by his title as the "Most Disliked Athlete In Sports" according to Forbes Magazine. It is rare that I agree with T.O. about anything, but he had a point when he said that an additional suspension would have been ridiculous. I don't think that a case of double or triple jeopardy will accomplish anything more that the justice system has in this situation. I acknowledge that he lied to the commissioner and to the public about his involvement with the dog-fighting world. But hasn't he ultimately served his punishment for everything? Other than dying for his crime, Vick has been punished effectively with the jail time, his time away from the pigskin, lost loads of respect and millions of dollars. As much as I was appalled by Vick's association with dog combat, there are players in the league that have done horrific things to human beings that don't bear the stigma Vick has to endure. Even though PETA stands for a respectable cause, my respect for the organization goes down when they assume that Vick isn't capable of remorse and even should be subjected to a brain scan (Hey, aren't we technically animals too?)! Let Michael Vick get his second chance before we condemn him for eternity (or at least to a brain examination).