It would be an understatement to call this latest Eurotrip a major step in my maturation process in the last half-decade. Not that I was Bozo The Clown entering my freshmen year of college, but I definitely didn't have the peripheral understanding I have now way back when. It's hard to develop a worldly mentality when you've grown up in one place for a huge majority of your life. In fact, in March 2006, I took my 1st flight in almost 16 years when I went to the Dominican Republic on Spring Break. Ever since that point, I have been on more flights than I can count, have seen so much more than I can remember, and have been in the European continent for a combined total of almost 4 weeks. And you know what? I want more. Coming back to the States allows me the opportunity to reconnect with the people and experiences that I enjoy about being home. The baseball games, barbecues, pick-up softball games, and poker tourneys are always welcomed in my heart. But it also brings me back to the stressful reality that I am coming back to a less than stellar recession situation looking for a job. Combined with my friends' stories that I've been hearing about their experiences in the office along with the limited amount on the pallet for my field of concentration, let's just say I have a little bit more on my mind than I did overseas (Have the Queen/Bowie "Under Pressure" in my head). Like I said in my second entry, moving out of the familiar confines may well be my best option at this point. But what if it is? Now more than ever, I am embracing the idea a lot more of leaving the state I've called home for 21 years of my life, and I may be willing to go real far to do it. My love for Europe along with the prospect of salvaging of my career path in the overseas realm makes for an intriguing possibility. It also gives me more of the cultural experiences that I'm looking for. I kind of regret not trying some Mozart Balls while I was in Vienna (It's an actual candy. It's chocolate and everything. Stop laughing! Nevermind.). Nevertheless, it seems as if a new opportunity is starting to shine brighter and brighter in front of me.
So a popular song by The Clash pretty much epitomizes my situation right now as I sit here watching the Sox and the Twins, pondering the direction I should go next. Now more than ever, I realize that I may need to go further out of my comfort bubble to start my career and the next chapter of my life. But it might not be the most frightening thing for me, considering I relish the occasional flight to another land. Staying on that land might present me more of a challenge, but may also present more opportunities to flourish in more ways abroad than I do right here. If I go, I know I'll miss tons of things from home. The trips to NYC, playing the Wii with my 6-year old cousins, attending games at America's Most Beloved Ballpark, and being only a short distance away from anybody I needed. But sacrificing those things might open up more for me. I just hate to think about that now, but I also am excited for what new experiences could potentially come from this. All I know is wherever I go, I have to have a NESN/ESPN package for the TV. There is no way I'm sacrificing THAT much my friends. Well, off to spending another stressful night on Careerbuilder.com, wondering if or when.
Before I Peace Out....
- Many have been asking me of photos from the trip. Unfortunately, they're held hostage in my friend's laptop right now, and it's too large of a quantity to just send in one shot. Once I get hold of my pictures again, expect some amazing montages from each country of the Eurotrip and some quality albums on my Facebook page. Get excited ladies and gents!
Mochaman's Fantasy Baseball Report (Haven't done this in a while.)
- Bubba Gump Shrimpz - 51-38-9 (Tied For 1st, Steroid Freaks' Anonymous, 1.5 UP)
Solid performances from players like Morneau and Lincecum are helping this team stay up in the standings in what could be a 7 team race now. Harden on DL expected. Hope Bannister will make a good substitute.
- Mocha Sox -18-48-4 (12th, Yahoo Public 38095, 25 GB)
Talk about a tank job of a season. Volquez now on the DL, which makes my pitching more of a question mark, even with Halladay. Grabow plugged in for closer, but how many opportunities will he get? I don't know why this offense (Uggla, Youkilis, Granderson, Sizemore, Lind) haven't become more dominant.
- Firehawks - 31-36-3 (8th, Yahoo Public 162279, 15.5 GB)
Offense lately has been Helton and Bay, but that's it. Possibly could see the resurrection of the 'Hawk offense with the arrival of Wieters on Friday (And I'm going to be at Oriole park to see it!). Pitching has been taking a huge turnaround despite the struggles of Lester. The once lost cause team now seems dangerously hot.
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